Cesium ricerca specialisti nel settore geospatial

Cesium is the foundational open platform for creating powerful 3D geospatial applications combining Cesium ion's curated 3D global content with your point clouds, photogrammetry, BIM, or other 3D data to jumpstart app development. 

CesiumJS is the state-of-the-art open source Javascript library for beautiful, accurate 3D visualization on the web. Cesium for Unity provides a full-scale, high-accuracy (WGS84) globe and runtime 3D Tiles engine for the Unity ecosystem. Cesium for Unreal is the first high-precision (WGS84) globe in a game engine, bringing Cesium's real-world detail and accuracy to simulated environments. Cesium for Omniverse is an extension that enables 3D geospatial capability for NVIDIA Omniverse. Cesium for O3DE provides a full-scale, high-accuracy (WGS84) globe and runtime 3D Tiles engine for the open source Open 3D Engine (O3DE).

See the jobs openings here: https://cesium.com/careers/?s=09


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