Third GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force Workshop - Register now!

Third GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force Workshop - Register now!
The Raw Measurements Task Force Workshop provides a forum to share experiences around raw measurements use.

Registration is now open for the third GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force Workshop, which will take place on 26 June 2019 at the GSA Headquarters in Prague. Participants in the workshop will gain access to the Task Force’s wealth of experience and learn about progress around the use of raw measurements in Android devices, so register now!

In 2017, the European GNSS agency published a  on Android devices and launched the  to bridge the existing knowledge gap among potential raw measurement users. The Raw Measurements Task Force Workshops play a major role in these efforts by providing a forum to share experiences around raw measurements use.

Workshop agenda

The workshop agenda is being finalised, however you can already look forward to a keynote presentation from Google`s Frank Van Diggelen, focusing on upcoming disrupting innovations soon available for Android users. 
Furthermore, selected Task Force members will present summaries of their activities around analyses and development trends that are driving the interest of the community, be it in the high accuracy, authentication, testing, education and other domains benefitting from Android raw measurements.

Finally, a discussion will be held on how to make good use of the Android raw measurements to best leverage the latest announced services and enhancements, focusing on Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OS-NMA) that will be offered for free to all users worldwide.

Users` benefits

There are several advantages to using GNSS raw measurements in smartphones and IoT devices. Use of these measurements can lead to greater flexibility when building multi-GNSS solutions (e.g. selection of the satellites or constellations based on their performances or differentiators) and increased GNSS performance, as they open the door to more advanced GNSS processing techniques that were previously restricted to more professional receivers.

Read this: FLAMINGO unveils high-accuracy solution for smartphones

What’s more, dual-frequency smartphones are starting to come on the market following the launch of the first dual-frequency phone, the Xiaomi Mi8, in June last year. Combined with access to raw measurements, dual frequency capability is delivering significant benefits in terms of ubiquity and accuracy.

In addition, the recent announcement of the upcoming Open Service Navigation Message Authentication service is generating great interest in the application developers` community and its pioneering through raw measurements is being assessed.

Several applications stand to profit from increased accuracy and authentication, such as augmented reality, blockchain, location-based advertising, mobile health and asset management.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get more insights on this and exchange ideas with the major experts in the sector!

Join the Task Force

The GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force is dedicated to promoting a better and wider use of GNSS raw measurements. Task Force members have access to a dedicated discussion forum, and to the raw measurement database, where they can upload data logs and relevant documents.

Since its launch in 2017, the Task Force has expanded from a handful of experts to a community of over 100 agencies, universities, research institutes and companies. Membership is open to anybody interested in GNSS raw measurements. To join the Task Force contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

To register to the workshop, click here.



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