8–10 Aprile 2024  Frankfurt (Germany) Esri International Infrastructure Management and GIS Conference

8–10 Aprile 2024  Frankfurt (Germany) Esri International Infrastructure Management and GIS Conference

Creating tomorrow’s infrastructure with GIS. Join us at the Esri International Infrastructure Management & GIS Conference (Esri International IMGIS).

Move your organization’s location intelligence forward with GIS and connect with professionals from across industries, such as architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC); electric, gas, and district energy; telecommunications; transportation; and water.

Un importante evento che mette insieme diverse industry: Transportation, Electric, Gas, Water Utilities, Telecom and AEC, per condividere le innovazioni delle tecnologie geospaziali .

Sono aperte le Iscrizioni e il Call for paper.
La deadline per l’invio degli abstract è il 13 ottobre 2023.

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