Disponibile il programma in bozza del prossimo convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento

Disponibile il programma in bozza del prossimo convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento

Dal 13 al 15 settembre prossimo ci sarà il convegno internazionale della Associazione Internazionale di Telerilevamento (AIT). Riportiamo il programma in bozza che abbiamo appena ricevuto e proponiamo ai nostri lettori. Quest’anno il Convegno ha riscosso un particolare interesse, anche grazie alle colleghe del Board AIT di Cagliari,  con più 130 paper di cui circa l'80% dall'Italia e il resto dall’estero.

Si abbracciano tutti i settori di interesse specifici di Remote Sensing, Geo-informazione e ovviamente di interesse Copernicus, inclusi clima e mare (mancherebbe qualcosa su  Defense & Intelligence per poter dire che sono stati abbracciati tutti i temi).

Vi riportiamo alcuni highlights:

  • Presenza nutrita dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana in più sessioni e con una sessione speciale plenaria su Cosmo SKM gestita da ASI
  • Presenza di ESA e dell’Agenzia spaziale tedesca DLR,
  • Presenza di tutti gli esperti CNR del settore
  • Sessione speciale “women and space” guidata da Telespazio e TAS, con la partecipazione della nuova presidente e-GEOS (INGV) Fabrizia Buongiorno
  • Presenza del delegato nazionale Copernicus Andrea Taramelli come chair di plenaria il primo giorno

La conferenza è in remoto, e per tutti gli uditori è gratuita.

La registrazione open è al link della conferenza https://sites.unica.it/ait2020/


Preliminary Program

The Conference is organised with open sessions and invited sessions on these topics

Preliminary short program

13th, Monday September

Pre-Conference events

9:00: 11:00 Free Course IMPACT and Google Earth Engine by Dario Simonetti, JRC
The course is open to all interested. registration is required
It is supported by the “Sardinia Land Cover Project”, a collaborative activity between the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Cagliari and the STGRI- Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

11:30- 13:00 Panel dedicated to the Italian Public Administrations, hosted by the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, on the “Urban Spaces Management using Satellite Data”.

AIT2021 Conference

14:30- 15:00 Opening session 

15:00- 16:00 Panel 1: New Space Hyperspectral Mission and thematic contribution for environmental monitoring. Chair: Mirco Boschetti (CNR IREA); Andrea Taramelli, IUSS Pavia

Part A: Ongoing and foreseen Hyperspectral missions: challenges and scientific questions

Conference Keynotes speakers:

  1. The Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission, CHIME: application domains and on-going studies. CHIME. Jennifer Adams & Marco Celesti – ESA
  2. EnMAP: The German Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission. Anke Schickling, Sabine Chabrillat, Saskia Förster, Karl Segl, Godela Rossner, Michael Bock, Laura LaPorta, Sebastian Fischer– German Aerospace Center – DLR
  3. The Italian PRISMA mission, product and next phase: payload characteristics, success study and future scenario. Ettore Lopinto & Patrizia Sacco – ASI

16:15- 18:15. Part B: Technical and thematic presentation: hyperspectral data potentiality and exploitation

  1. Unattended Field Spectroscopy in The Alps: Preliminary Comparison With Sentinel 2 And Prisma Satellite Data: Biagio Di Mauro, Roberto Garzonio, Sergio Cogliati, Edoardo Cremonesi, Tommaso Julitta, Andrea De Sanctis, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Micol Rossini, Roberto Colombo
  2. PRISMA Pansharpening Preliminary Analysis, Roberta Bruno, Mauro Di Donna, Maria Lucia Magliozzi, Fabio Volpe, Massimo Zavagli
  3. Assessing non-Photosynthetic Vegetation from Satellite Imaging Spectroscopy: PRISMA Current Results and Perspectives for Future Research, Monica Pepe
  4. The New Hyperspectral Satellite PRISMA: Imagery for Forest Types Discrimination, Elia Vangi, Giovanni d’Amico, Saverio Francini, Francesca Giannetti, Gherado Chirici, Bruno Lasserre, Marco Marchetti
  5. Orthorectification of PRISMA Images, Valerio Baiocchi, Felicia Monti, Francesca Giannone

Questions and Discussion

14th, Tuesday September

9:00- 11:00

Italian Space Agency- ASI Special Session:

“Present and Future of COSMO SkyMed Mission”

Conference Keynote Speaker: Maria Virelli, Responsible COSMO SkyMed Mission ASI

Chair: Livio Rossi, AIT

  1. Crop Classification and Biomass Estimate through Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to COSMO-SkyMed Imagery, Alessandro Lapini, Giacomo Fontanelli, Simonetta Paloscia, Simone Pettinato, Emanuele Santi, Deodato Tapete, Francesca Cigna, Giuliano Ramat
  2. Measuring Impacts of COVID-19 on Urban Dynamics Using COSMO -SkyMed Time Series, Deodato Tapete
  3. Satellite Data for Structural Monitoring of Historical Building: The Temple of Minerva Medica in Rome, Dora Foti, Mariella Diaferio, Michela Lerna, Maria Francesca Sabba
  4. First and Second-Generation COSMO-SkyMed DINSAR Data Integration for Advanced Deformation Analyses over the Built-Up Environment, Manuela Bonano, Riccardo Lanari, Michele Manunta, Yasir Muhammad, Pasquale Striano, Ivana Zinno
  5. Using COSMO-SkyMed to Support Infrastructure Monitoring, Elena Francioni
  6. COSMO-SkyMed Very High Resolution INSAR in the Era of The Sentinel-1 Based European Ground Motion Service, Mario Costantini

11:15- 12:45

1 Parallel Special Panel: “Advanced Earth Observation products and integration with in situ data and modelling tools for water resources management – The H2020 PRIMEWATER project”. Chair and Co-Chair names: Tzimas Apostolos (EMVIS), Giardino Claudia (CNR-IREA), Bresciani Mariano (CNR-IREA), Schenk Karin (EOMAP), Heege Thomas (EOMAP), Pechlivanidis Ilias (SMHI) . Key talk: Tzimas Apostolos (EMVIS) – Overview of PRIMEWATER project

2 Parallel Panel: “Urban Health from Space”. Chair: Giuseppina Vacca, University di Cagliari

13:00- 14:30


Chair: Maria Antonietta Dessena & Maria Teresa Melis

*The poster session will be organized with short presentations (3 minutes) by each speaker through the following possible formats:

  • poster in pdf format with online presentation
  • video presentation
  • ppt online presentation

Speakers are invited to participate to the session, and to be available for any questions.

The video and pdf poster would be sent by 6th September for the uploading into the system.

14:30- 15:15


“Demonstrative session for the use of HPC-High Performance Computing on satellite and geospatial data applications in the urban environment (land consumption, green indicators)”,Matteo Picchiani, Gmatics

15:30- 16:40

3 Parallel Special Panel: “MARINE REMOTE SENSING FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”. Part A: Conference Key Note Speaker: Maurizio Migliaccio (University of Naples, Parthenope). Chair and Co-Chair names: Ferdinando Nunziata, Andrea Buono

4 Parallel Panel:  MONITORING FOREST HEALTH”. Chair: Francesca Giannetti

 16:45- 18:00

5 Parallel Special Panel: “MARINE REMOTE SENSING FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”. Part B: Chair: Maurizio Migliaccio

6 Parallel Panel: TREND ANALYSIS OF SATELLITE DATA AND CLIMATE . A special panel supported by “CLIMATE Project” . Chair and co-Chair: Maria Antonietta Dessena & Maria Teresa Melis

15th, Wednesday September

9:00- 10:45

7 Parallel Special Panel: ANALYSIS AND QUANTIFICATION OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. Conference Key Note Speaker: Gaetana Ganci, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Catania – Osservatorio Etneo: “Characterizing and quantifying the eruptive activity through multi-source satellite imagery”. Chair: Simona Scollo- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Catania – Osservatorio Etneo, Lucia Mona- IMAAA- CNR, Laura Pioli- Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche e geologiche, Università di Cagliari



8 Parallel Special Panel: “REMOTE SENSING APPLICATION IN GEO-ARCHEOLOGY”. Conference Key Note Speaker: Donatella Dominici, University of L’Aquila: “Remote Sensing in Geoarcheology”. Chair: Francesco Immordino, (ENEA – Laboratory of Technologies for Structural Dynamics and the Prevention of Seismic and Hydrogeological Risk).

Remote Sensing Laboratory

“Running and Processing of Spectral data through image processing software”, Francesco Immordino

11:00- 12:15

9 Parallel Panel: “PRECISION FARMING AND FORESTRY MANAGEMENT”. Chair: Enrico Borgogno Mondino, Università di Torino

10 Parallel Panel: “GEOHAZARD AND EMERGENCY”. Chair:

12:15- 13:30

SPECIAL PANEL supported by “Women in Aerospace- Europe (WIA- E) Rome Local Group”


“Women and Space” is a special session proposed by the Rome Local Group of Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E Rome LG), to highlight the achievements of women researchers and industry professionals involved in space activities as major contributor to the theme of the Conference: “Planet Health”.

The Keynote Speech will be performed by three persons:

Cristina Valente and Annamaria Nassisi, leaders of the WIA-E Rome LG, and Alice Pellegrino, Coordinator of Gender Equality Research.

The role of women, and the challenges they face in this field and their responsibilities to others and to the next generations of women will be discussed Research with the invited panellists:

  • Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno (INGV), EO Scientist and President eGEOS
  • Elena Toson (T4i), PMI Professional
  • Federica Angeletti (PhD, Aerospace Engineer), Young Researcher
  • Fabio Santoni, Professor Aerospace System, La Sapienza “Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aereonautica, Elettrica ed Energetica”
  • Paolo Marzioli, (PhD, Aerospace Engineer), Young Researcher
  • Eva Hartai, ENGIE Project

The Panel will end with a Q&A session to give the audience the opportunity to interact with the panelists.

14:30- 15:45

11 Parallel Panel: “REMOTE SENSING IN GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS AND MAPPING“. Chair: Maurizio Mulas, Professore associato FICT – ESPOL presso Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Provincia del Guayas, Ecuador

12 Parallel Panel: “UAV AND SMALL SATELLITES”. Chair: Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Politecnico di Torino

15:45- 17:15

Closing Panel


Chair: Ioannis Vogiatzakis, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC)

Closing acknowledgements by AIT

 The draft of the Program with the extended list of the contributions can be downloaded here: Draft_Program_AIT 2121_v3


The 10th AIT International Conference

Dear All,

with great pleasure, the Italian Society of Remote Sensing – AIT invites you to attend the 10th AIT International Conference “Planet Care from Space”.

The Conference will be organized as a virtual event and will be on September 13-15, 2021.

The AIT Conferences, workshops, seminars, and summer schools on Remote Sensing have a long and successful history over the last 30 years. Since 2016, the AIT Conferences subsequently took place every 2 years, moving in addition to an international connotation.

The 2021 Conference will provide opportunities for both creating a scientific-operational “networking” and giving presentations on a wide range of theoretical and applied topics. The “Planet Care from Space” title is mainly addressed to Geo-Envi-Hazards and Climate Change investigations, recognizing and reinforcing the important role of Remote Sensing technologies for both global environmental protection and mitigation of the climate changes effects in our society.

New showcases and applications by young technicians/researchers will be an important part of this conference, enhancing the role of the integrated knowledge of environmental dynamics and their interactions with human activities.


Maria Antonietta Dessena, Maria Teresa Melis

On behalf of the AIT President and all the Council.




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