It's now available online GEOmedia 3 - 2023 Development of a Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown – eUMaP.
The editorial contributions in this issue of GEOmedia fall in the context of Geomatics and Pandemic. Some techniques were developed during the implementation of a project dedicated to the development of a utilities management platform for the case of quarantine and lockdown, eUMaP, within the EU MSCA RISE H2020 framework, the exchange program of research and innovation personnel of the European Community. eUMaP is actually studying an open platform through which local authorities will be able to plan and manage the demand and supply of services in buildings in the event of quarantine or health emergency or lock down, including energy, water and waste networks and
telecommunications. Through a partnership between universities, research institutes and companies involved in these fields of investigation, some appropriate analysis tools have been further studied and developed.
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In this issue...
3 Geomatics and Pandemics
by Renzo Carlucci
6 Quantifying how a zone is residential - A Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach
by Simone Guarino, Camilla Fioravanti, Gabriele Oliva, Roberto Setola, Giovanni De Angelis, Marcello Coradini
12 Spatial, functional and temporal analysis of Wi-Fi hotspots during covid-19 curfew
In selected EU cities Rome, Thessaloniki, Nicosia, Kaunas
by Marius Ivaškevičius
16 Geomatic techniques for utilities consumption analysis in urban areas during emergency periods
by Sara Zollini, Maria Alicandro, Donatella Dominici
22 PASSport: a sample of heterogeneous fleet of drones powered by Galileo OSNMA service
by A. R. Martín, I. Armengol, M. López, H. Llorca, M. Nisi, M. Lopez
26 Windows opening in naturally ventilated classrooms: management strategies to balance energy use and reduction of risk infection transmission
By Giulia Lamberti, Giacomo Salvadori
30 Building Energy resilience: the role of energy management systems, smart devices and optimal energy control techniques
By G.Chantzis, A.M.Papadopoulos
36 Jamming against GNSS receivers: attacks and mitigation techniques
by Marco Lisi
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