The new face of the Rheticus Network Alert edition 2020 is up!

The new face of the Rheticus Network Alert edition 2020 is up!

We are excited to announce the launch of the new Rheticus® Network Alert version, designed to enhance your browsing experience, with brand new tools helping users to prioritize inspection activities.

Rheticus® Network Alert is a turnkey vertical web service for the continuous monitoring of instability phenomena affecting pipeline networks (water and sewage) in urban areas, caused by ground displacement. The service helps to highlight problems before they become critical by pointing out locations of concern.

The information is updated and delivered to utility companies with extremely intuitive Business Intelligence tools to add dynamic analysis and new features to their planning, management and maintenance activities.

The Rheticus® Network Alert 2020 user interface is the result of a design process, which includes the user interface experience and the analysis of specific information needs of Rheticus clients around the globe, and notably of multi-utility pipeline maintenance managers.

The new tools allow users to Identify scores (segments) with highest likelihood of failure in order to prioritize inspection activities before major events occur.

With the new “Inspection Priority Score” tool, each segment of the network has an Inspection Priority Score, ranging between 0 and 1. The greater Inspection Priority Score, the greater level of concern. Through a dynamic window, it is possible to select a particular range of Inspection Priority Score and, consequently, the related segments having a score belonging to the selected range.

Further clicking over each segment, a pop-up window shows all information related to the selected segment:

- Segment ID;
- Address and geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude);
- Segment Status;
- Velocity (mm/year);
- Acceleration (mm/year2);
- Distance of the critical PS2 from the segment (m);
- Inspection Priority Score.

Finally, in order to get all the information in more details, the new Rheticus® Network Alert edition also offers a detailed report that is available on the table at the bottom left-side of the web interface. The table provides users with the following information: Segment ID, Address, Segment Status, Velocity (mm/year), Acceleration (mm/year2), Inspection Priority Score, Zoom-to-Feature tool, sorted by Network Status.


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