New HERON LITE Color Indoor Mobile Mapping System

New HERON LITE Color Indoor Mobile Mapping System


HERON LITE is appreciated in the market to be best solution for fast 3D surveying and mapping of indoor buildings, small infrastructures, underground mines and cavities.  Hand able from a single person, with not initialization procedure, it is ideal to quickly and repeatedly survey complex environments.

The NEW HERON COLOR LITE represent a new step in the fast mapping  solutions; besides the 3D geometrical documentation, the user has now the possibility to detect scene details with 5K resolution 360° color images.  Gexcel have launched this renewed version during the last INTERGEO collected a large interest.


  • Underground mines and cavities
  • Stock piles volume calculation
  • Complicated indoor documentation
  • Small complicated infrastructure
  • industrial facilities


  • 3D point cloud with intensity or customizable color layers (e.g high maps, inclination) in E57, LAS, ply
  • 5K images correctly overlapped on the 3D points
  • Trajectory file in CSV
  • Measurable blueprint (distances, angles, areas) with the free GoBlueprint
  • Free viewer to explores, annotate and measure in “street-view style”  a  blued print and point cloud with overlapped high resolution spherical imagery

To learn more:

About Gexcel

Gexcel has a rich history spanning more than 10 years of proven fully featured LiDAR and imagery analysis software like the well-known JRC 3D Reconstructor®. Gexcel’s software are compatible with the LiDAR sensors of the main laser scanner manufactures such as DotProduct, Faro, Geomax, Riegl, Stonex, Surestar, Teledyne-Optech, Topcon, Trimble, Velodyne, Z+F. Gexcel is currently present on the market with innovative surveying systems (HERON® and OPMMS®) and it is involved, with several partners, in various projects for the development of innovative solutions based on laser scanner, SLAM and digital photogrammetry. Gexcel was established in 2007 from the academic know-how of the University of Brescia and the applied research achievements of the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra (Italy).


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