Coastal Zones User Consultation meeting - 3 October 2019

Coastal Zones User Consultation meeting - 3 October 2019

Il Coastal Zones User Consultation meeting che si terrà al BREYDEL AUDITORIUM di Brussels l'intera giornata del 3 ottobre 2019, è un workshop diretto a tutti coloro che sono interessati alla problematica delle Zone Costiere e in particolare a tutti coloro che sono interessati al nuovo prodotto. I posti sono limitati e vanno prenotati in tempo attraverso il seguente link:


Il workshop è libero e i partecipanti devono provvedere a loro spese per il viaggo e l'alloggio. 

Per ulteriori informazioni: .

Agenda del Workshop

Date: 3 October 2019

Venue: BREYDEL AUDITORIUM Avenue d'Auderghem 45

1040 Brussels

09:00-09:30 Registration and welcome coffee

- The Copernicus programme and the cross cutting aspects of coastal zones – Mauro Facchini - DG GROW, European Commission

09:45-10:15 SESSION 1: Policy requirements and improving of the knowledge base

  • -  Policy context for coastal management in Europe – Andrus Meiner (EEA) - 15 min

  • -  Copernicus land monitoring activities for coastal zones – Matteo Mattiuzzi (EEA) - 15 min


10:15 – 11:10 SESSION 2: CLMS Coastal Zones LCLU production and specifications

  • -  Outline of the production – Production Team – 20 min

  • -  Extent of mapping (survey on AOI) – Production Team – 20 min


11:10-11:30 Coffee break11:30-12:30 SESSION 2: CLMS Coastal Zones LCLU production and specifications - Nomenclature and survey presentation - Production Team - 30 min


12:30-13:30 Lunch


SESSION3: Service evolution from a CLMS perspective

  • Summarising the findings of the CZ roadmap and evolution questionnaire on land (G. Smith) - 30 min

  • EU member state experience, needs and priorities in terms of Copernicus land data for coastal zone ( 2 national level, 1 regional, 1 local )


15:30 – 16:00 Wrap up and conclusions

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