Invitation to Participate in XXIV ISPRS Congress 2021

Invitation to Participate in XXIV ISPRS Congress 2021

In view of the ongoing pandemic situation, ISPRS is organizing an extended digital edition of the XXIV Congress from 5-9 July this year, with all the features of an ISPRS congress. This follows on from the great success of the 2020 digital edition of the XXIV Congress, which attracted more than 2,000 registered participants and featured 300-plus presentations.The physical edition of the event has been pushed back to 2022.

This 2021 edition will offer a very rich programme spanning five full days, from 5-9 July. Seven exciting keynotes are scheduled, including from Airbus on the new Pléiades Neo very-high-resolution satellite constellation, from INPE-Brazil on the Amazônia-1 satellite and its applications for the monitoring of deforestation, from Microsoft and ETH-Zurich on computer vision for augmented reality with Hololens2, and from KIT on autonomous and aided driving. These innovative topics will provide the registered participants with excellent insight into the current status and science and technology trends across all the areas of ISPRS (Earth observation, remote sensing, photogrammetry & computer vision, GIS and more).

Technology tracks and one-hour lectures

More than 500 papers will be presented in the various scientific tracks and sessions throughout the week. In addition to these presentations, participants will also have the possibility to interact and network face to face with the authors in individual videoconference rooms. In order to help the registered participants choose relevant sessions and presentations so that they can build their own programme for the week, pre-recorded video presentations of the papers will be made available before the beginning of the event through the congress platform.

The 2021 edition will also integrate a technology track enabling presentation of the latest innovations and technologies from the industry as well as a virtual exhibition to facilitate interaction between the participants and the sponsors and exhibitors (including Airbus, Esri, Thales Alenia Space, Hexagon, ESA, Aerometrex, Agisoft, Pix4D, Racurs, Riegl, Trimble, DAT/EM Systems International, AIR6 Systems, Euspaceimaging, Geodyn, GGS, IGI Systems, LucCarta Technology, RESE Applications, Resonon, SI Imaging Systems, Spectral Evolution and Vexcel Imaging). In addition to through this technology track, participants will have the possibility to interact with sponsors through chat sessions and in videoconference rooms.

The registration fees for this 2021 edition have been kept as low as possible to encourage maximum participation. To further extend the reach to a much larger audience, a free ISPRS geospatial lecture day is being held on 9 July to provide updates on the latest scientific advances in the geospatial domain. The day will comprise eight one-hour lectures on various hot topics: Earth data cubes, PS-Insar for surface estimation, trends in airborne Lidar, deep learning for 3D point cloud analysis, deep learning for time series classification, dynamic networks, georeferencing of mobile mapping systems, and collaborative humanitarian mapping.

More information about the programme, the latest updates and the registration process can be found on the website (

The organizers would like to extend a warm thank you to all the participants, sponsors and exhibitors who have constantly supported ISPRS during this difficult period. They are looking forward to hosting you and meeting you digitally during this 2021 edition!

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