Author guidelines

Ecco la traduzione in inglese:
GEOmedia accepts editorial contributions related to the magazine’s fields of interest for publication in the print edition. Manuscripts can be submitted in digital format, preferably via email, to the following address:

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Contributions for the Focus, Report, and Guest Paper sections can be submitted by entering the required data into the Open Journal System – for Authors, in order to facilitate the indexing of contributions in national and international databases.


If an article exceeds two standard pages, it is preferable to divide it into titled paragraphs or sections. A "standard page" is considered to have approximately 2,000 characters per page, which means thirty lines of about sixty-five characters each (including spaces and footnotes).

The recommended length for different sections is:

  • FOCUS: up to 20,000 characters (approximately 10 pages).
  • REPORT: between 5,000 and 12,000 characters (approximately 3-6 pages).
  • GUEST PAPER: up to 25,000 characters (approximately 13 pages).
  • OTHER SECTIONS: between 2,000 and 4,000 characters (approximately 1-2 pages).

(For character count assistance, use the specific function in your word processor.)

Although these are not rigid limits, in cases where significantly different requirements arise, or for contributions not mentioned here, the length should be agreed upon with the editorial team.

Each article must be accompanied by at least 5-6 images. If the article requires more, additional images may be accepted.

Text Formatting Guidelines

  • Avoid using bold or underlining; use italics instead.
  • Do not use quotation marks for single words or phrases; replace them with italics if necessary.
  • Only bullet points and numbered lists are allowed, and their use should be minimized.


Accepted File Formats

Files should be submitted in one of the following formats:

  • ODF (Open Document Format)
  • DOC (Microsoft Word)
  • RTF (Rich Text Format)

Do not manually break words with hyphens, and do not use automatic hyphenation.

Spacing and Punctuation Rules

To facilitate automatic processing, please follow these spacing guidelines:

  • One space between words.
  • No space between a word and punctuation marks (comma, period, etc.).
  • One space after punctuation marks.
  • No space after opening quotation marks and parentheses or before closing ones.
  • No space between an apostrophe and a word.
  • No space in names with double initials (e.g., "J.R.R. Tolkien").


Foreign Words

Write in italics only for foreign words not commonly used in Italian. Consult a recent Italian dictionary and italicize only words that are neither proper names nor included in the dictionary.


  • Do not use underlining or bold in the text or footnotes.
  • Use uppercase and small caps only when strictly necessary.
  • Use uppercase accented letters even if they are not on your keyboard (e.g., write È instead of E').


Title & Subtitle

  • The title should be 40-110 characters long (modifications may be requested for editorial purposes).
  • The subtitle expands on the title and introduces the article; it should be 350-450 characters long (modifications may be requested).


Paragraphs & Headings

  • Main section titles should be in bold.
  • Subsection titles should be in italics.
  • Do not number paragraphs or use all caps or small caps for section headings.



  • Footnotes are not allowed.
  • Endnotes should be limited to essential clarifications.



Bibliographical references should follow the Harvard referencing system, which adheres to the following rules:

  • No numbered references, either in-text or in the bibliography.
  • Author names should be written as: "Last Name, Initial" (e.g., Halliday, L.L.). The last author should be preceded by "&".
  • Chronological order should be maintained for multiple works by the same author.
  • Each reference must include all essential details.



In-text citation: (Rossi 1986)
Bibliography entry: Rossi, M. (1986) Ambiti geomatici nel territorio palustre, Milano: Mondadori.

In-text citation: (Halliday & Oppenheim 1999)
Bibliography entry: Halliday, L.L. & Oppenheim, C. (1999) Economic models for the digital library, [Online] Available at: (Retrieved: 20.05.2000).

Abstract in English

Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of 600-750 characters in English.


  • Image resolution must be 300 dpi (dots per inch) and in common graphic formats (JPEG, TIFF, etc.).
  • Image dimensions should match the intended print size (e.g., for a 70 mm × 70 mm image, submit a 70 mm × 70 mm file set at 300 dpi).
  • Screenshots are an exception—do not alter their dpi, as they will be adjusted by our graphic team.
  • Images should be placed in a separate file from the text. However, their position should be referenced within the article.
  • Captions must be included.
  • Tables should be provided in Word or Excel format.


Author Information & Keywords

At the end of the article, authors must include:

  • Full name
  • Title
  • Address
  • Affiliation
  • Email

Additionally, provide 4-5 keywords in Italian for indexing and bibliographic classification.

Proofreading & Final Review

  • Authors must ensure their articles are FINAL and ERROR-FREE before submission.
  • PDF proofs will be sent to authors for review and approval.
  • Only layout or formatting errors (e.g., missing text, misplaced images) will be corrected at this stage.
  • The editorial team reserves the right to adjust layouts to meet the magazine’s graphic/editorial standards.


Editorial Changes

The editorial team may make necessary revisions and will consult with authors regarding major changes.

Costs for Authors

GEOmedia does not charge any fees for article submission or publication.


Articles are published under the following Creative Commons License:

CC Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0


Let me know if you need any refinements! 😊

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Tribunale di Roma
n° 231/2009 del 26-6-2009.