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The editorial board, which has a more then twenty-year history, produces the most important Italian communication media channel in the sector, qualifying itself as a press agency with the highest rank of reliability on the web.
Together with GEOmedia, the Italian magazine on geomatics born in 1996, it creates an indispensable information tool for professionals, companies, institutions, universities, students, curious and simple citizens interested in technologies for cities, territory and culture. It produces continuous news on the web portal, with the biweekly newsletter and social networks, to reach the maximum number of interested readers. Information on events, conferences and workshops is provided to learn more, to deepen and touch directly in situ as well as in the free practical workshops offered in the annual Technology for All Forum.
The portal grew around GEOmedia, a paper/digital magazine, now online on geomediaonline.it, with articles in Open Access reviewed in the main international scientific engines at mediageo.it/ojs, is now a point of reference, having entered into numerous collaborations with the main institutions, associations, research centre, press agencies and conferences as well as through the collaboration with the main Italian and international newspapers.
The information provided is characterized by a critical aspect that seeks to bring to the reader an information weighed and evaluated for its actual applicability by analyzing the tests and case studies to propose those that have positive results in the proposed themes.
The magazine is indexed on the most important Italian databases, the ANVUR, and other international as well as Web of Science, Research Gate, DOAJ, EBSCO Host, OCLC WorldCat.
Every year we publish a number in English dedicated to the dissemination during the most important events abroad, as well as thematic numbers.
The web site is thematically structured in the following areas:
Geographical data, 3D, cadastre, orthophoto, satellite data, point clouds, DEM
Survey and localization
Topography, photogrammetry, Geolocation, LBS, GNSS, Survey
Geographic Information Systems, WebGis, CAD
Earth and Space
Earth observation, Remote Sensing, satellite monitoring
Earth Science
Earth, geology, hydrography, risk, environment, agriculture,
Services and Land Management
Planning, urban planning, construction, defense, security, civil protection, emergency, transport, technological networks, waste, tourism, cultural heritage, smart city
Selection of most important news directly in english language.
Since 2007 all the technology that orbits in the field of cultural heritage is published in the Archeomatica media channel with a paper/digital magazine and with the web site archeomatica.it, while the "archeomatica" social networks on Twitter and Facebook bring daily information to thousands of interested readers and users.
Editorial structure managed by:
mediaGEO soc. coop.
Via Palestro, 95 - 00185 Rome
Tel: +39 06 64871209 Fax: +39 06 62209510
e-mail: info [at] mediageo.it
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