16 - 19 Settembre 2024 Edinburgh (UK) - Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXVI

16 - 19 Settembre 2024 Edinburgh (UK) - Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXVI

SPIE Sensors + Imaging combines two of Europe’s best photonics conferences – SPIE Remote Sensing and SPIE Security + Defence

The premier yearly European event that showcases the latest sensor and photonic technologies for imaging and monitoring the Earth’s atmosphere and environment, as well as sensor technologies that address homeland security, defence, and counterterrorism.

Meet face-to-face with top companies at the free 2-day exhibition. Discuss your sensing and imaging needs with suppliers who will be there to help solve problems, cut costs, and increase capabilities.


pdfCall for Paper brochure here1.30 MB


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