Monitoring the cultural heritage in seismic areas - Summer School in Sapienza a Roma

Monitoring the cultural heritage in seismic areas - Summer School in Sapienza a Roma

Dal 12 al 14 settembre si terrà al CERI - Centre for Research on Prediction, Prevention, and Mitigation of Geological Risks, and Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome, la summer school "monitoring the cultural heritage in seismic areas".

The great development of land and infrastructure monitoring and control systems in recent decades has allowed the use of on-site and remote monitoring also for the protection of cultural heritage from the consequences of geohazards but also of human activities. Earthquake occurrence causes one of most relevant natural risk for the cultural heritage in many European countries, such as Italy, Greece and Cyprus, that which constitute the partnership of STABLE - “STructural stABiLity risk assessment” project, funded under Horizon 2020 Framework Program - MSCA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) 2018. The relevance of exposure to seismic risk of cultural heritage is widely demonstrated both by the destructive effects of recent earthquakes on monuments, and by the historical information on the effects of seismic events of past centuries.

During the summer school "Monitoring the cultural heritage in seismic areas" the following topics will be addressed:

• local seismic response (for sites where historical buildings and monuments are located);
• history of cartography of the risk to which the Italian cultural heritage is exposed up to the present day;
• foundations on the behavior of masonry structures;
• methods of investigation and monitoring of the subsoil and structures, with focus on monitoring by satellite platform; • mitigation interventions and recent case studies.

The event is organized in cooperation with the “Centro Studi” of the National Council of Geologists, and lasts three days, two of which at the Sapienza University of Rome, and the third day in Rieti, which is dedicated to a technical visit to the historical city center (italian test site of the STABLE project). It will be also possible to attend a workshop on related topics (in Italian language) entitled “SIstema per la Simulazione dei DAnni da Terremoto (SIS-DAT)”, that will be held at the Rieti, in the Sapienza headquarters.

CERI is a partner of the European project STABLE which supports financially this summer school.

Flyer Summer School 2023 comp

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