EAASI and MAPPS announce partnership

EAASI and MAPPS announce partnership
The Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS) has announced its partnership with the European Association of Aerial Surveying Industries (EAASI) to jointly promote and advance the geospatial industry within their communities.

This partnership will include working together to advance the mission of each party through exchange and transfer of relevant knowledge and expertise; promoting workforce development within the geospatial industry; and acting as thought leaders helping to shape and influence the field of geospatial and strategies leading to provide the best business aspects.

The collaboration of MAPPS and EAASI may include event promotion, workforce development efforts, webinars, and general awareness of each association’s activities.

"This partnership between MAPPS and EAASI marks a significant milestone for both our organizations and the geospatial industry at large. Since their formations, MAPPS and EAASI have been at the forefront of advancing the geospatial industry in the United States and Europe, respectively,” said MAPPS President, Kelly Francis, “By joining forces, we aim to promote the activities of our organizations, enhance the awareness and utilization of private-sector companies, and uphold the highest standards of industry best practices.”

President Francis continued to say, “Together, MAPPS and EAASI will continue to lead and inspire the geospatial community, ensuring that our member firms remain at the cutting edge of technological advancements and industry developments. We look forward to a prosperous partnership that benefits our members, clients, and the broader geospatial community."

From EAASI President, Florian Romanowski, “Although our partnership with MAPPS has now been formalized through the signing of the MOU, the seeds of this collaboration were sown from the very beginning of EAASI. Simon Musäus, the first president of EAASI, emphasized the importance of collaborating with MAPPS, inspired by their successful model in the US. He believed that MAPPS would be a valuable example and supporter in establishing our organization. 

EAASI and MAPPS, from the very beginning, were aware that the visibility of the aerial industry among our potential customers is crucial for us. At our Association, our next goals are standardization and certification, and to connect with the next generation of professionals expected in our business. New business models are another hot topic.”

President Romanowski also added: “Now, as EAASI enters a new stage of development, this formalized agreement will act as an accelerator for our joint efforts, I am optimistic about the future of our cooperation and the positive impact it will have on our industry.”




Incorporated in 2019, the European Association of Aerial Surveying Industries (EAASI) represents organizations within the European crewed aerial surveying market. EAASI’s mission is to promote the benefits of aerial surveying, improve awareness of aerial survey data, and maintain and promote best practices within the industry. Inspired by the success of MAPPS in the US, EAASI was established to provide a unified platform to advocate for the interests of the European aerial surveying industry and shape its future. Since its inception, EAASI has brought together over 50 companies, fostering collaboration among industry leaders, and championing the importance of aerial surveying across Europe. More information on EAASI can be found at https://www.eaasi.eu/ 




Formed in 1982, MAPPS is the preeminent national association of firms involved in many aspects and benefits of the geospatial field in the United States. Member firms are thought leaders in mapping, surveying, photogrammetry, satellite and airborne remote sensing, aerial photography, hydrography, GPS and GIS data collection and conversion services, technology development and geospatial products. More information on MAPPS can be found at https://www.mapps.org/.

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