17 – 20 June 2024 Manchester, UK 43rd EARSeL Symposium

17 – 20 June 2024  Manchester, UK 43rd EARSeL Symposium

The European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) is a scientific network of European remote sensing institutes, coming from both academia and the commercial/industrial sector.

It was founded in 1977 under the auspices of the European Space Agency, the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

Every year EARSeL organises thematic Workshops of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), but the main meeting is the annual Symposium, which aims to showcase the current trends in remote sensing. Researchers, students and professionals from Earth and environmental sciences that work with remotely sensed data are invited to the City of Manchester to attend the 43rd EARSeL Symposium in June 2024. As always, the Symposium will consist of oral and poster sessions around a set of workshop topics.

The organizers would like to decrease the environmental impact of the Symposium. Please take a look at our Green EARSeL section for some ideas on how to minimise your footprint whilst participating in EARSeL 2024.


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